Newest version: (Mon, 30 Sep 2024)
Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
Robocode Tank Royale (new platform for Robocode)
Robocoding• Java is required for running Robocode. Preferable a Java Developer Kit (JDK) version 8 or newer.• Download Robocode from SourceForge. Alternatively from GitHub releases • ReadMe for Robocode, which gives a good overview of Robocode • Getting started - Introduction to Robocode on the RoboWiki. Use the Web Archive for Robocode if RoboWiki is down! • Robocode API - the Robot API and Control API • My First Robot - tutorial about how to create your first robot • FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Robocode Future of Robocode?• Robocode Tank Royale is a new platform for Robocode that is currently under development.Links• News for Robocode. Follow Robocode at Facebook• Project is hosted at SourceForge • GitHub contains the sources of Robocode • Versions - Details about different versions of Robocode • Forums for technical issues and questions for Robocode • Request a new feature for Robocode • Report a bug in Robocode • the administrator of Robocode Communities• RoboWiki - A collaborative site all about Robocode. Use the Web Archive for RoboWiki if the site is down!• Google Group for Robocode - A group/forum for Robocode where you can ask questions, discuss robot strategy, share code snippets etc. Hardcore Robocoding• RoboRumble@Home - The ultimate collaborative effort to have a live, up-to-date ranking of bots• RoboResearch is a tool you can use to test your bot's performance in different challenges Development on Robocode itself• Developers Guide for building Robocode itself using Eclipse• Robocode Developers Discussion Group - Discussion group for that everybody that want to discuss or review the current and future development of Robocode Robocode Legacy• Old RoboWiki - The old RoboWiki site, which is now read-only• developerWorks - Articles about Robocode from IBM developerWorks Support RobocodeIf you are a fan of Robocode, you can support the project and me by buying some coffee 😊 ![]() Thanks goes toThank you, JetBrains, for supporting non-commercial Open Source projects by providing licenses for Open Source development, including Robocode Tank Royale. ❤️This project make use of these great products from JetBrains for Java, Kotlin, C#, and web development: |